Moncreiffe Uniform
We believe that the Moncreiffe uniform fosters a sense of our identity and children’s belonging, as well as promoting the ethos of our school. Uniform should be worn each day, by every pupil in our school.
Daily Uniform 
Moncreiffe polo shirts and sweatshirts can be purchased via-
Equivalent yellow polo shirts and sweatshirts can also be worn, without our school logo.
Alternatively, children can wear a white shirt and Moncreiffe school tie. Ties are available to purchase for £6 via the school office.
A skirt, pinafore, smart trousers or shorts, along with a jumper or cardigan should be worn, in either black, grey or navy. During warmer weather, a green or yellow summer dress can be worn.
P7 pupils during their final term at Moncreiffe have the opportunity to order a school hoodie which can be worn each day.
All children should bring a pair of indoor shoes (e.g. plimsoles) for changing into when entering the school building. This is to maintain the school’s interior flooring.
Participation in Physical Education
For children to participate safely and comfortably in physical education, a PE kit should be supplied for Primary 1-3 to change into in school. This should consist of-
- Suitable length shorts
- A plain white t-shirt or a t-shirt which is the colour of your child’s house team (Dragons- green, Jesters- yellow, Knights- red, Wizards- blue)
- Suitable footwear e.g. trainers or plimsoles
Classes P4-7 are permitted to wear their PE uniform to school on allocated PE days. Plain joggers/leggings and a zip up hoodie/sweatshirt can be worn. These should be plain black, navy or grey. Please note that earrings and jewellery must be removed or covered for PE.
We ask that School and PE uniform is not branded with large logos/graphics etc. and that skirts and shorts are of a suitable length.
We are proud of our Moncreiffe identity and dressing smartly
contributes to our culture founded on respect and learning.